Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Movie Fest Break, for the theaters!

Wow, I realized this could have been a mistake when the fully black screen would shine at me bright names that would come and go and leave little images on the cone cells of my retina. WHAT.

Anyways, I have this grudge against Tarantino without a good reason. Liking something cool and innovative eventually backfires; for example: Family Guy. But the good stuff avoids this, and Tarantino films for me hasn't been an example of that. I remember liking Reservoir Dogs, and not really understanding the fame behind Pulp Fiction, but I guess the diner scene was pretty cool. My thoughts were probably something along the lines of: classic dance scene, WTF she's dying or something, WTF brains, WTF. Anyways, I remember when Death Proof came out, and I kind of defended it. I thought the dialoge was cool, but I guess in the end it was a really boring movie with too much gross stuff. So, overall, Tarantino is very overrated where people just seem to like him just because its cool. Whenever he is on Conan... he freaks me out, and not because of his face*, but because he is awkward and has a weird sense of humor.

With that said, I really did not want to like Inglourious Basterds and only went to see it because 1) it's the only decent thing out in theaters and 2) I wanted to see for myself and form a true opinion. I tried to watch it online, but the beginning had no visible subtitles and that was not cool.

Anyways, when it started it was interesting. I thought it was funny how Landa said that he wanted to switch to English. I thought it was another way for Hollywood to switch to the preferred language, but it turned out to be part of the plot as well. Good job Tarantino. Even though I knew that scalping would happen, it still grossed me out. I know that Tarantino is kind of known for his violence and whatnot, but it still is gross and I don't see how it is crucial to the story or the already nicely shot scenes. I guess its that's part of the guy factor though. Brad Pitt's accent is horrible and annoying, but still funny unfortunately. Oh yeah, I have a grudge against Pitt as well. The deafening music to cause drama didn't work out for me, as well as the slow close-ups that were way too close. It was way dramaticized, like a lot of the movie was. Everything is overdid in this movie, overall. The movie was long, the scenes were too long, etc. The only part that was shorter than I thought was the part with BJ Novak and Pitt together. I was a little sad about that. It seemed like they had more screen time. But a great thing about this movie was the guy who played Landa of course. He is awesome. The end.

As for the story, I thought it was a cool story and it's always good when everything comes together in the end. I could have had more of the girl story, but I see that it was pretty unnecessary to the already long movie. I can't recall every minute of it, but I think a few scenes could have been compressed, especially the bar scene. I can't really take any time away from the Landa scenes, but maybe some Pitt scenes** and the close up of violent acts**.

I was going to give it a 3... but my scoring system is flawed, because when I watch cable movies I always look at the rating and 2 1/2 was never good enough for me to watch and I feel like it's a failing score and is too harsh... but... actually it's still good according to rotten tomatoes. I GIVE IT A 2 1/2. K BYE

*Partially because of his face and voice and overall package.
**Due to grudge

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