Thursday, September 23, 2010

Every once in awhile...

So working at a video store is a blessing and a curse. I feel the need to watch every movie to form a real opinion and be able to give recommendations to the HUNDREDS (tens) of people that ask me day by day. This drone has made me not pay attention to most English-spoken movies, especially ones that I know did not get good reviews or do not gain my interest straight away. Even when I come across a movie I like in the smallest way, I will forget about it when people ask me for recommendations. I am just good at hating, I suppose. Haters gonna hate. But, sometimes I'll watch something so lovely and entrancing, that my world changes a little and I can't really stop thinking about it for awhile. I really quite liked Greenberg without really letting reviews get to me. So, that's all I can remember of the past three months. THREE MONTHS (or more). But OMG, I just saw The Secret in Their Eyes, and it changed my world!!!

It made me linger on the sad thought that North Americans can never make such a romantic and beautifully unfolded story as the makers of that movie did. I had the same feeling with The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. Maybe the Academy voters really know how to catch them, but it seems like the only way for me to access these movies is the Academy Awards... I'm just not out there enough I guess. I thought The Road was pretty good though. I know we're trying and there are many respectable North American filmmakers, but I feel like the story writing techniques of Europeans and now, Latin Americans... it's on a level that very few North Americans can reach. I feel like it could be a media thing. I don't know... I'm just RAMBLING. But man... that movie. Love it!

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